Your Top Priority For 2020? Making Good Health A Habit
We’re tall and short, thick and thin, black and white, and hues in between. We come from different backgrounds, religions, cultures, and beliefs. We sometimes even share different values. But despite our differences, one thing we do have in common is this body, this shell, this thing that holds us together. Our body is how we navigate through space. We use our bodies to pick up and play with our children. We use our bodies to go to work. We use our bodies to get in and out of our vehicles and out of bed.
We use our bodies to touch the people we love.
I've been doing this for many years. I've talked to many people and had many clients. There hasn't been one person who told me they were happy with being overweight, unhealthy, or otherwise physically incapacitated. Being unhealthy isn't just a physical liability, but a mental and emotional one too.
None of us are perfect, nor will we ever be. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t all strive to be better.
You work hard at your job and strive to do better and earn more to create a better life and take care of your family. You use your earnings to make yourself look and feel good. To acquire the nice things that you’ve always dreamed of for yourself and your family.
But, will your nice home, car, clothes, and shoes matter if you allow yourself to become physically ill or develop illnesses?
Will the amount of money you earn matter if you aren't able to physically enjoy it?
We all should feel a sense of pride in ourselves. That sense of pride should come from who you are and not what you do. It should also come from how you function. The quality of life you live is more important than the number of things you have. You want to be able to enjoy life with the people you love and those that love you.
In life, there are no absolutes. Though ideally, you would want to stack the deck in your favor.
Take a moment to think about what your health means to you. Then I challenge you to set some goals and fight for a better you.
Let’s make 2020 your healthiest year yet!